
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018

UBONIUM Exchange Traded Crypto Funds che unisce Marketplaces & Finance

I fondi di trading valutario sono fondi di investimento negoziati in borsa come azioni. L'ETF oi fondi di scambio valutano attività come azioni, materie prime o obbligazioni e generalmente operano con meccanismi di arbitraggio progettati per tenerli vicini al valore del patrimonio netto, sebbene a volte le deviazioni possano La maggior parte degli ETF segue gli indici, come gli indici azionari o gli indici obbligazionari. L'ETF può essere interessante a causa del basso costo, dell'efficienza fiscale e delle caratteristiche azionarie come questa, nel qual caso discuteremo dei fondi criptati. Dovresti avere una conoscenza generale di cos'è la criptovaluta perché sapere come utilizzare la funzione valuta può darti il ​​vantaggio quando decidi il tuo investimento. Ci sono centinaia di monete composte da giocatori importanti come Bitcoin ed Ethereum per monete più piccole che chiamiamo altcoin, ogni moneta è unica e offre il suo caso d'uso. Ubonium è una societ...

Ka Ching-munten - Blockchain ICO

Deze keer wil ik een mediaproject noemen dat niet belangrijk voor je is. Ik raad u ten zeerste aan meer te weten over dit, dwz "Kaching". Je zult enorme voordelen krijgen met een zeer geavanceerd systeem dat heel anders is dan het algemene. laten we bespreken. '' U bent op de juiste plaats, lees daarvoor dit artikel. '' Wat is Coin Kaching? KACHING-munten (KAC) zullen het enige mechanisme zijn voor het overbrengen van waarden in het leven-ademhalingsecosysteem in alle subsystemen en micro-ecosystemen door een compleet investerings- en handelsecosysteem aan te bieden- We creëren waarde voor investeerders en KAC-gebruikers. Kaching-munten is echt het gemakkelijkste token om te gebruiken. Met kant-en-klare producten klaar om te worden getest door Pre-ICO-investeerders, is Kaching Coins het meest complete investeringsecosysteem ter wereld, mogelijk gemaakt door Blockchain. Kaching is een van de resultaten van de ontwikkeling van de blockbuster-industrie ...

HI:Health — Exchanging the work at analyzing medical data to ecosystem tokens

What is this? The global ecosystem analyst is the date broker of personal medical data based on artificial intelligence and such technologies as Blockchain Ethereum, Ethereum swarm. The personal ecosystem for diagnosing a human body in real time and identifying the cause of disease. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The Constitution of the World Health Organization. Hi:Health platform adds to this list material well-being as well. That allows people to make money off of monitoring their health condition. Tracker for real-time data collection Rocketbody. The Ecosystem for Business. Insurance companies Insurance companies receive a more accurate calculation of the probability of occurrence of an insured event. Increase their profits by minimizing the risks of paying insurance premiums. Selling health insurance through applications. Pharmaceutical companies Pharmaceutical co...

DST is a decentralized silver ecosystem with underlying blockchain technology

PRESENTATION DST is a decentralized silver ecosystem with underlying blockchain technology, utilizing smart contract protocol to allow traditional silver mining industrial to digitize the industrial resources, increase assets circulation and production efficiency, as well as increasing the credibility of quality assurance through credible and sophisticated verification process and warranty card certification. Check out this video presentation DST aims to build a silver mining ecosystem characterized by joint creation, integration, co-existence and joint consultation. The development of the mining industry is the process of the continuous extension of the industrial chain and the continuous evolution of the ecosystem. The development of the silver mining ecosystem will bring a breakthrough and subversive development of new kinetic energy for the progress of the industry and the win-win cooperation. DST is committed to build new mining ecosystem, expand science an...

The marketing revolution in messenger with UMC

What Is Messenger Marketing? Messenger marketing is a new and increasingly popular way to communicate with prospects, leads, and customers. As a marketing channel it boasts better engagement than any other channel out there, including E-mails, Direct mailing,Social media,Push notifications,Skywriting and so on. What does that mean? Very simply, it means when you send your customers a message on Facebook Messenger, more people will open, read, and interact with your messages. And those messages can either be live (say, a real-time conversation between a customer service rep and a customer), or they can be automated using a chat-bot (much like an email autoresponder series). But unlike email, which has come to feel like work for most people, Facebook messages are quick & easy to respond to. As a result, they get sky-high open and click-through rates. Basically, Messenger Marketing combines the instant delivery & attention of SMS with the attractiveness and automat...


WHAT IS CERTORE ALL ABOUT? Certore is an automatic system for standards and certificates development, which is based on events flow. Its common problems are described in considered area, which can be solved by using the proposed system. The problem of ensuring system’s individual parts the successful communication and interaction, determination of criteria for quality measurement and also constituents for its efficient functioning occurs with every defined area development and growth. These days, the technical progress brings us a number of facilities but the standards are a prime part that stands behind. Standardization is a key element, which allows each part not only to communicate with other elements, but also to provide quality of the whole system. Whenever the established standards provide a set of rules, the definitions and criteria will be aimed at achievement of the system improvement by increasing its efficiency and productivity. Standardization itself is the acti...